Hot Sauce & the Neurobiology of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

[Script:] You can look at the neurobiology of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict through the prism of hot sauce. A glance at online hot sauce offerings shows that for millions, as one label proclaims, “Pain is good”. That certain people enjoy suffering is both common knowledge and punchline. “How many Jewish mothers does it take to change a lightbulb?” “It’s alright I’ll just sit here in the dark.” According to University of Pennsylvania researcher professor Paul Rozin, masochism, “the enjoyment of what appears painful or tiresome.” Exists on a spectrum of human pleasures- duh!. Riding on roller coasters, taking super hot baths, an affection for astringent drinks, the delight of sore muscles after a hard workout and many other human activities all the way to self mutilation can be considered forms of what professor Rozin calls “benign masochism”.

He studied the eating habits of Mexican children. Mexican babies react negatively to capsaicin, the chemical that makes peppers hot. As well they should. Capsaicin hurts. Capsaicin activates type C nociceptive fibers, which then release something called substance P, the “p” should stand for “pain” but it doesn’t. Substance P release is better known to your brain as “ouch!”

But our brains can be trained to experience the “ouch” as “oooh”. Mexican children and others grow up being told “the pain you’re feeling, that’s good!” In time it’s mom over matter. Cuisines from Indian Vindaloo to Chinese Szechuan to Buffalo chickens wings delight in the misery their recipes inflict. The malleability of our pain experience was dramatically demonstrated by great neuroscientist Jane Fonda. In the days BJF, before Jane Fonda, we exercised trying to avoid the pain. “I told the doctor, ‘It hurts when I do this’. He said, ‘Don’t do that’”. But post-Jane the goal was to “Make it burn.” With three little words pain became pleasure. Hurt was transformed from danger to desire The switch has to do with the interaction of two areas of the brain, the anterior cingulate cortex, a feeling part of the brain and the right ventral prefrontal cortex, a thinking part. It appears that our brain’s thinking parts can be reprogrammed so the that nociceptor (pain fiber) activation and the discomfort it entails seem just, exactly what we want.

Culture can pleasurize even severe forms of pain. Generations of Catholic school children have literally prayed for the chance to emulate the church’s glorified martyrs and suffer their gruesome tortures to prove their pubescent faith. Virtually every American is taught to revere Nathan Hale’s famous last words, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”

European Jewry seems to revel in its historic hurts. Every summer we are religiously commanded to get depressed about the destruction of the second temple by the Romans in 57 CE. We celebrate Purim, a tale of one man who merely had a DESIRE to attack the Persian Jews centuries ago. A story exactly no one thinks is true and of course our seemingly endless outpouring of Holocaust memorials. Palestinians may embrace their suffering even more intensely. In March 2014 the elected Palestinian prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh declared, “We are a people who yearn for death just as our enemies yearn for life!”

If the Palestinians and Israelis have developed cultures that on some neurologic level enjoy even desire the pain and suffering they inflict and inspire. Maybe part of the solution is to give both sides some alternative form of agonizing pleasure… hot sauce anyone?

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    Israel on the 17th of Tammuz: Confronting the Enemy Within

    Rabbi Rosen is a great reminder that Jews are a diverse community and have almost as many differences of opinion about Zionism as humans do.

    Shalom Rav

    Cross-posted with Tikkun Daily:

    Yesterday the Jewish world observed the fast day known as Shiv’ah Asar Be’Tammuz, (the 17th of Tammuz), a communal day of quasi-mourning that commemorates among other things, the breaching of Jerusalem’s walls by the Roman army in 70 CE, prior to the destruction of the Second Temple.

    Interestingly enough, the 17th of Tammuz – as well as the upcoming fast day of Tisha B’Av – is not so much a day of anger directed toward our enemies, as much as an occasion for soul searching over the ways our own behavior too often leads to our downfall. According to the Talmud (Yoma 9b), for instance, the fall of the First Temple was due to the idolatry while the destruction of the Second Temple was caused by sinat chinam – the “baseless hatred” of Jew against Jew.

    I would submit that this year, the 17th…

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    Rat Neuroscience and Chicago Politics

    Professor Peggy Mason is experimenting with rats and thinking about politics [insert punchline here] Mason has shown that rats will overcome their most basic fears to free an imprisoned comrade. Or would it be “com-rat”.

    Rats for example, hate light and they hate being in the middle of a room. But a rat will put her primal rodental fears behind her plus learn new, foreign behaviors to open a cage for the sake of a sister rat’s liberty.

    You could call rats racist. A rat from a white family will not instinctively go through all those behavioral changes for the sake of a brown one. But it turns out that like governor George Wallace of Alabama rat racists can be redeemed. A rat will come to the rescue of any rat that reminds her of a rat with whom she’s had a positive social experience. When she sees a speckled rat in the trap, somewhere in her little ratty hippocampus he’ll think, “My college roommate was speckled” And will race to its rat rescue.

    Maybe exposure-based prosociality is the neurological explanation of why like parks and beaches make life better. Chicago’s master planner Daniel Burnham insisted on abundant public spaces for us. He believed they foster community. If you spend a whole Cubs’ season, with all the trauma that entails, sitting next to a guy from Sri Lanka chances are you will, thereafter cop a better attitude toward all Sri Lankans – depending on how rat-like you are. But on Saturday nights you’re not just cruising bars hitting on everything in sight. You are expanding your dendritic arbor. It ain’t just horny, it’s neuroscience. Decades of positive interracial experiences seem to have rat-ified our national politics all the way to the White House. We’re pretty rat-like about gays and lesbians too. When I was in high school “homosexual” meant “target” now it mostly means “target audience”.

    And so it proceeds, as we are positively interact with more varied populations our definitions of “normal” expand beyond imagination. If professor Mason is right who knows? Years from now when discussing political news someone will say, “I smell a rat here” the response may well be, “I sure hope so.”

    Carol Rossetti – WOMEN

    Project Naked

    This is one of the reasons I love facebook and can’t quite give it up because I come across amazing things like this from the various pages I follow. This is the amazing work by Carol Rossetti, so simple yet so powerful! I wanted to share on the blog because I felt it so fitting and something a lot of woman will relate to. Also the illustrations are just too KICK ASS not to share.












    Posted with permission. Please go to http:// to see more of her amazing work!

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