BIll Nye vs Ken Ham – YHWH vs Sophia

On Tuesday 4 Feb Bill Nye the Science Guy will discuss evolution with Creation Museum founder Ken Ham.  On one level it will be an exchange of views on the origins of the earth and life on it but it will also be a classic throw down between the creator god YHWH and the goddess of Wisdom, Sophia.

Some Thoughts as the BDS March Continues

Excellent news!

Shalom Rav

PGGM-logo-BE9F491EDE-seeklogo.comStep by step, the BDS movement inexorably marches on. Now the news has just come down that PGGM, the largest pension fund management company in the Netherlands, has decided to withdraw all its investments from Israel’s five largest banks (Bank Hapoalim, Bank Leumi, Bank Mizrahi-Tefahot, the First International Bank of Israel and Israel Discount Bank) because they have branches in the West Bank and/or are involved in financing construction in the settlements.

I’m struck that whenever we hear this kind of news, BDS opponents invariably claim that this is “one isolated incident” that will not have any real effect or influence. But of course, this is not one isolated incident – it is but a part of a growing pattern occurring throughout the world. This latest news is but one more indication that the BDS movement is quickly gaining momentum.

And there is every indication that Israel’s leaders understand…

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